Daily Archives: February 19, 2016

Kitty Paws – RedditGifts Colors 2016 (loom knitting)

Kitty Paws - RedditGifts Colors 2016 (loom knitting)

A pair of kitten (fingerless) mittens for my RedditGifts Colors 2016 match! They indicated their favorite color was yellow and that they were eyeballing some cat ears on etsy, so I decided to make them a set of yellow tabby fingerless gloves.

I googled a chart for a pawprint that would fit on half of the pegs of my 36-peg 3/8” fine gauge CinDWood glove loom that I just received this week.

About midway through the pawprint pattern, I stopped working in the round and started working a flat panel to create a thumb hole. Because I was working fingers-down on the project, I was able to insert my hand into the project to test and see if the thumb hole was large enough before I closed the project back up and worked in the round again.

The cuff is 10 rows of k1p1 rib using true knits, and the body is 5 rows of yellow in u-wrap followed by 5 rows of white in u-wrap.


Added a single crochet border with white fur yarn and it feels fantastic.

I attempted to double stitch the paw pattern to make it have more contrast, but unfortunately I didn’t like it and when cutting yarn to remove it, snipped part of the glove. I did my best to repair the hole and it seems to look fine, if a bit bulky where I repaired it.